Column Still

A Column Still, also known as a Continuous Column, is a more modern approach to spirit distillation, and a common choice in large-scale production facilities or industrial production.

Column Stills can be used for neutral spirits such as vodka, gin and commercially-produced bulk ethanol, as well as tequila, rum and whisky.

Columns can be built in a variety of size set-ups – we’ll look at your predicted volume and production to determine the ideal Column Still size for your distillery.

Column Stills can be built in copper or stainless steel, but the rectification sections are all made of copper. This type of set-up includes a control system, collection of pumps, heat exchanges and interconnecting piping systems, ranging anywhere from 7 metres to 20 metres. Specific safety infrastructure is required to reach the various heights.

Factors to consider.

Whatever the set-up you choose, there are some common factors to consider when deciding on your ideal installation.

The building that houses your distillery can have a big influence on your distillery set-up. Think about:

  • Is this your final set-up or are you thinking about relocating?
  • Can your floor sustain the weight of the distilling equipment?
  • How high are your ceilings?
  • Building entrance for bringing in large equipment
  • Utilities such as electricity, gas, water and steam
  • Waste management


How will you automate your distillation process? Automation factors could include:

  • The Pot Still temperature
  • The temperature of the distillation
  • The cuts performed during the distillation process

The size of your Pot Still is dependent on:

  • The volume of spirits you plan to produce
  • Available space in your location
  • Your projected growth and planned work schedule

Consider the various temperature control methods, including:

  • Pot Stills can be heated by electrical immersion elements or steam
  • Electrical heating is only recommended for Stills less than 2,700 litres in size, after this steam is used
  • Column Stills are heated by steam
  • Water and glycol can both be used as coolants
  • Cold water tanks and fermenters can also be part of the cooling process

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